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The Ultimate Basics: How to Develop Your Characters

Developing characters can be daunting. You have to figure out the most important details that will be essential to the character's development throughout your story. Here's my ultimate basic questioner on how to develop your characters.

1. First, middle, and last name

2. reason for these names

3. nicknames

4. appearance (hair, skin, special features, etc)

5. birthday

6. age

7. role in the story

8. personality

9. favorites (songs, books, movies, etc.)

10. mindset during the beginning of the story

11. mindset at the end of the story

12. what causes these changes

13. family

14. people they're closest to

15. relationships (family, friends, romantic, etc.)

16. character arc

17. aesthetic

18. theme song


20. dislikes

Whew! That was a long list, but it is the ultimate basics on how to get to know and develop your characters. I, personally, use this list as well. To go even further, I would recommend making Pinterest boards, taking personality quizzes as your characters, and listing similar characters. Of course, adding some extra question is 100% recommended. Take your time to know your characters. It will help greatly.

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